Finally! We are actually getting some sunny days again, and it's making me think that it might be time to clean some of the windows in The Home Idea Factory.
We love The Huffington Post and all of the great ideas that they share. They just did a story on cleaning tips - which is your favorite, and do you have one that isn't in the article?
One of the Lifestylist® favorites is a product I found over 20 years ago when I had a home in New York City - Dr. Bronners. Their organic castile soap is good for everything from washing your hair, cleaning dishes or using as a cleaning solution everywhere in the home. It's super concentrated so you use 1 part soap to 40 parts water!
I've been only using Dr Bronners to wash my face and as a body was ever since I discovered it, and my kids now only use it too. I love the Peppermint fragrance - it smells so clean and fresh!
You can find this wonder product at most health food stores or on their website.
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